Learning Stuff About ‘round egg ring’

Egg Rings – A handy kitchen gadget

There are an endless number of kitchen gadgets and devices on the market. One that is not often mentioned is the egg ring. Egg rings are used to perfect the shape of egg dishes such as omelets. Egg rings are generally made from non-stick metal, specifically stainless steel. In general they have a round base attached to a handle. The handle makes it easy to retrieve the egg ring from the frying pan once the egg is cooked. Egg rings are placed into a frying pan and then the egg mixture is poured into the round base. When the egg is cooked the egg ring is removed from the frying pan and the egg is simply released into a dish. The cooked egg should have a perfectly round shape (if using a round egg ring).

The Silicone Egg Ring

Some egg rings are not made from stainless steel but from silicone. Silicone egg rings are quite safe and convenient. This is because silicone is heat resistant up to highs of 4500F/2320C. The base is made from silicone with a stainless steel handle. However, the tip of the handle is made from silicone so that the egg ring can be held without fear of burning the hands. The handle also folds over making the silicone egg ring easier to store.

Usefulness of Egg Rings

The good thing about owning and using egg rings is that each time you prepare your eggs they will always come out with consistently perfect shapes. They also help to eliminate waste because your eggs will be kept within the base of the egg ring and the non-stick feature ensures that you end up with the same quantity you input. Another plus for egg rings is that they do not strictly have to be used in the preparation of eggs. They can be used to create an ideally shaped pancake or any other such delight.

Egg rings can actually help to make your breakfasts pleasurable experiences. This is because egg rings are also available in shapes other than the standard ring variety. The other shapes include squares, hearts, stars, flower shapes and there have even been sightings of animal shaped egg rings. These shapely egg rings help to enhance the appearance of your breakfast items such as your eggs or pancakes and can make partaking of these meals a real treat.

Egg Ring Sizes and Shapes

Egg rings come in various sizes. The largest usually measure about 5 inches in diameter. There are however smaller ones available. This is ideal when you want to make smaller units of egg or other dishes. In fact smaller egg rings can come in very handy when additional items need to be fried. The additional items can be placed in the frying pan, but outside the egg ring, such that the additional items are fried right alongside the egg ring with its contents.

Egg Ring Prices

Egg rings are very reasonably priced. Egg ring prices can range between US$4 and US$21 depending on the brand, type (eg. stainless steel, silicone), size and number in set (they can be purchased singly or in a set).

To sum up, egg rings are wonderful implements to have in any kitchen.  Your kitchen should not be short of this appliance as it can really spruce up your meals and add that expert touch to your home cooked meals.

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