Learning Stuff About ‘amla’

Amla – Benefits and Uses

Amla is the name of a fruit also referred to as Indian gooseberry which is mainly found in India. It is about the size of a lemon, spherical, bitter and yellow-green in colour. Amla is an important element in the age old tradition of ayurvedic medicine. Its value undoubtedly stems from its rich store of vitamin C (approximately the equivalent of ascorbic acid found in two oranges). In fact it is believed to be the richest natural source of vitamin C around, making it a very powerful antioxidant which combats free radicals and aids the anti-aging process.

Apart from vitamin c, amla’s nutritional composition includes water (more than 80%), protein, carbohydrate, fibre, minerals (chromium, zinc and copper) and other vitamins. It also contains Gallic acid which is a potent polyphenol. The uses of amla are varied. Amla is used to treat constipation, ulcers and scurvy. It regulates blood sugar levels and is therefore beneficial to diabetics. Pregnant and lactating mothers and those with memory issues will find it useful. It fortifies the heart and rejuvenates the organs of the body. The juice in combination with honey aids in conjunctivitis and glaucoma. It is also said to be help in ailments such as bronchitis, asthma and tuberculosis of the lungs.

Amla is also becoming increasingly popular in the beauty industry and is presently a significant part of women’s hair and skin care regimens. It has cell rejuvenating properties and is effective in clearing the skin of infections. Amla powder or amla oil, which are applied externally, promotes hair growth by strengthening the hair roots and preventing hair fall, which eventually results in longer, thicker hair. Amla also darkens the hair and is useful in preventing the premature graying of hair and some believe can even reverse gray hair. Amla powder can be used alone or in combination with other ayurveda powders to nourish and condition the hair. The powder is used either as a hair rinse or paste which is later washed off. Amla oil is applied to the scalp usually as a pre-shampoo treatment, but if left on the scalp overnight does wonders to induce sound sleep.

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How To Reverse Gray Hair

Can grey hair even be reversed? The answer is a most definite yes. I know for certain because I have observed this with my own hair.

I’m still young (early 30s) but I have a lot of gray hair, though not very noticeable without close inspection. Nevertheless, it has bothered me that I’m going grey so fast. I therefore did some research to see if I could reverse what I would consider premature graying, which raised my hopes that there was a possibility to delay further greying, and even reverse some. I took some action and I did observe at least one gray hair reverse color. I know it reversed because I could see that it was black at the root but gray at the end. I’ll go into more details on what I did, and the results I got. But let me share some of the research I found on this subject.

What causes gray hair?

Hair follicles contain pigment cells which are responsible for giving color to your hair. These pigment cells are called melanocytes. As you age, they slow down until they totally stop working to produce color. This results in gray hair.  The length of time for which the melanocytes continue to fully function is said to be hereditary. That is, the age at which you are likely to go gray is hereditary.

So if one of your parents went gray early, there is a strong chance that you will too (depending on whether you inherited the gene or genes responsible for the hair coloring cells from this parent).  In my case, my father went gray quite early, so it seems I inherited this early graying from him.

Although it is expected that the melanocytes will eventually stop working as you get older, there are things that may contribute to premature failure of these cells, causing you to go grey ahead of time. The following are linked to premature gray hair:

  • Thyroid disorders
  • Smoking cigarettes
  • Deficiency in vitamin B-12
  • Early menopause
  • Lack of copper
  • Lack of zinc
  • Weak kidney (Eastern medicine has long cited this as a cause for grey hair)
  • Excess build up of hydrogen peroxide (see http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/29468796/?GT1=43001)
  • Stress (this is a factor because one uses more of the minerals and vitamins necessary to preserve hair colour when under stress)

From the above, we can see that there are some things we can do to prevent premature gray hair, if not reverse the trend. For eg. Ensuring adequate vitamin B12 intake, along with sufficient copper and zinc, probably would help. If you smoke, then ceasing this practice may also slow down the graying process. Managing your stress is another thing you can take charge of.

Remedies said to Reverse Gray hair or slow its Formation

I cannot vouch for the effectiveness of any of these, but many have reported success using one of the following:

  • Indian gooseberry also known as Amla. Some believe it is more preventative rather than curative. See Reverse Gray Hair Naturally for possible directions on how to use.
  • Bee pollen. Again, this might more preserve natural hair colour than reverse gray hair.
  • Blackstrap molasses. This is highly recommended by many, but others report no effect after taking it for up to 7 months. It is also said to strengthen the blood and kidneys. You might want to get some professional advice regarding taking this, as some feel it can cause kidney stones because of the calcium content. However there are things you can take with it to ameliorate this risk. Consult a doctor or nutritional professional to find out more on this.
  • The herb Polygonum Multiflorum also called He Shou Wu. This may also have adverse side effects if not used in the right way, such as depression. Therefore you might also want to consult with a medical practitioner before you start using. At least do your research.
  • Certain kinds of shampoo. More about this can be found at Gray Hair Shampoo

It is rumoured that the company Loreal has patents for certain solutions that will reverse gray hair. Time will tell. However, note that the popular story about a drug they developed called “Promel” that is purported to reverse grey hair is false.

Now I did mention that I have actually witnessed my own hair reversing colour going from gray to its natural colour, and I promised I would give more details on what I did and the results I got. When I initially did my research on this subject, I learnt about the important vitamins and minerals necessary for continual production of hair color. So I discovered that B12 and basically the whole B complex vitamins factored highly. I also read that paba is also necessary.

I therefore shopped for some B complex vitamins that contained paba. I started taking these. I also tried to eat an egg on most days, as I read that egg is a source of paba. Anyway, I did this for several weeks, often examining certain grey hairs to see if there was any change. After about 6 weeks, I did notice one particular grey hair begin to revert to it’s natural colour. I confess I am not absolutely sure if others reversed, though I do suspect a few others did.

My vitamins eventually finished, and I had some difficulty finding the same kinds, so I wasn’t able to keep this process up. I stopped being so concerned about my gray hair so have not actively been pursuing ways to reverse it. However, I believe I will be trying some of the purported solutions which I have referred to above. If and when I do, I will report back on the results I get. If you have any success or failure experiences of your own with any of these, please also report here so others can benefit.

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