The Healing Wonders of Herbs -a look at rosemary

The next herb that has proven useful to me is rosemary. Similarly to chickweed, it is great for coughs and colds. It is a wonderful treatment for nervous conditions and can cure headaches caused by nervousness. It is good as a mouthwash.

Many will be interested to know that this herb actually eliminates bad breath, even chronic cases. The tea is excellent for this because it tackles the root problem of bad breath, which actually has its genesis in the stomach and not the mouth. Regular mouthwash will keep a person’s breath fresh for a few hours at most. Rosemary tea will leave you with fresh breath up to as many as several days. Try it. You have nothing to lose.


Finally, this herb can be used as the last rinse for the hair after shampooing, as it is strengthening to the hair roots.

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